The Future

The play wot I wrote

Any plans for further development of "Little Ern" were put on hold for the duration of the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. However, during the early part of 2020 Darren and Joseph were lucky enough to perform a sketch taken from the show as part of Theatre Royal Wakefield's Gala performance. (Photo's courtesy of Anthony Robling). The script is still being developed into a full show with a larger cast but in its essence it was always written as an opportunity for Joseph and his dad to perform together on stage, just as the young Ernest Wiseman and his dad did all those years ago.

Make a donation

The cost of staging a theatre show is huge. To help us put on a future production of "Little Ern" why not consider making a donation to help fund the costs of putting on a show?

We have received no financial support so far in our research and development of the play and your donation would help us make the next step to a full blown production. 

If you would like further details of how you can help please contact us at the email address below or make a donation using the Paypal button below.


If you would like further information regarding "Little Ern" please contact Darren Johnson at